Skid compact station delivered to Ghana gold mine
The global emergency for Covid-19 hasn’t stopped us from delivering top engineering solutions to our customers!
We recently built and delivered a compact station mounted on a skid for a gold mine in Ghana, a type of application always requiring high levels of customization to better fit the conditions on-site and the power requirements of each particular mine.
The solution includes an oil RMU switchboard for interfacing with the medium voltage network, an FR3 transformer with lateral outputs and a low voltage switchboard (with rated voltage 1000V and connection cables with the transformer in insulation class 1.8 /3kV) with main line switch, 6 secondary line switches, electronic release LSI and differential relays.
We also wanted to incorporate our attention for sustainability in this project: the solution delivered is ecofriedly, non-flammable and can become a standard for all solutions for different mines.